Omer Polak, Is an Artst and designer, graduated from Bezalel Academy of art and design in Jerusalem. One year program at the Design Academy Eindhoven and Master of advanced studies in design for luxury and crafsmanship from the ECAL, Switzerland. Curiosity for materials, sciences, and innovaton led him to be a “Designistst” (designer and scientst) and to use a multdisciplinary approach and design methods to come out with outstanding pieces and concepts. Polak presented S-SENSE (smell design research) during TEDx, Laussane, and his works took part in various group exhibitons in galleries and museums around the world. He leads, frequently, design workshops focusing on our sensory experience and design innovaton. Polak is the Israeli Ministry of Culture Prize winner in the feld of visual arts and design for 2016 and won two tmes the Corr77 award in food design category. His works are part of the permanent collecton of Holon Design Museum.